Toobin, the
prolific author and CNN legal commentator, broke the news of the
behind-the-scene events in an article in the New Yorker,
excerpted from his forthcoming book due out in September The Oath: The
Obama White House vs. The Supreme Court. In an article that bears the
accusatory subhead, “How John Roberts orchestrated Citizens
United,” Toobin blames Roberts for converting what could have been a
narrow, statutory decision on federal campaign finance law into an aggressive,
precedent-overruling decision granting corporations a constitutional right to
tilt the political system in favor of the Republican Party.
sequence of events in Citizens United is public record. The
oral arguments in March 2009 were followed by the court’s surprising decision
in late June to call for rearguments in September. The court issued its ruling
in January 2010 in a forceful majority opinion by the supposedly moderate
conservative Anthony M. Kennedy along with a long and passionate dissent by the
couort’s senior liberal, John Paul Stevens.
With no
named sources, Toobin adds to the public record by disclosing that Roberts
initially wrote a self-assigned majority opinion on narrow grounds that failed
to gain majority support from the conservative bloc after Kennedy wrote a
concurrence calling for a broader decision. Kennedy’s now-majority opinion drew
a vigorous dissent from David H. Souter, who pointedly complained about the
irregularity of ruling on a question not presented and argued in the case.
Stung, Roberts decided to call for a second round of arguments specifically to
address the question of overruling the court’s two precedents upholding bans on
direct corporate or union spending in political races.
As Toobin writes — and as court watchers
understood at the time — the outcome of the second round of arguments was
predetermined. The conservative majority would not have asked about overruling
the prior cases unless they planned to follow through — as they did. The
result, Toobin concludes, “represented a triumph for Chief Justice Roberts.”
without writing the opinion,” Toobin continues, “Roberts, more than anyone,
shaped what the Court did. As American politics assumes its new form in the
post-Citizens United era, the credit or the blame goes
mostly to him.”
conclusion matches the theme of the new book: a popularly elected, Democratic
president versus an unelected court split along partisan lines with Republican
appointees in the majority. But one does not have to approve of
Citizens United or the Roberts Court’s aggressive stance on
campaign finance and other, even hotter-button issues such as abortion and
school integration to find the singling out of Roberts unsupported by
the evidence.
Omitted in
Toobin’s telling is any mention of Roberts’s unusual, 14-page concurring
opinion seeking to square his vote in the case with what he calls “the
important principles of judicial restraint and stare
decisis” — that is, respect for precedent. Retracing some of the
ground from Kennedy’s opinion, Roberts argues that the first of the two
precedents being overruled, Austin v. Michigan Chamber of
Commerce (1990), was an “aberration” at the time and was now being
defended by the government on untenable grounds not used in the original
decision. Stare decisis, Roberts writes, “commands deference
to past mistakes, but provides no justification for making new ones.”
Toobin’s new information, Roberts’s separate opinion can be seen not so much as
an affirmative endorsement of the ruling but as a defensive reply to Souter’s
unfiled dissent. Roberts, it would seem, was a reluctant bull in the
jurisprudential china-breaking. The blame for the activist result in
Citizens United lies first with Kennedy, who had dissented
in Austin and again in the court’s first ruling to uphold
the major parts of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, McConnell
v. Federal Election Commission (2003). Roberts might have withheld
his vote once the rest of the conservatives had shown they were ready to
overrule both of the earlier decisions, but a plurality opinion would have
left campaign finance law in a muddle as election season was about to get under
closes by highlighting the role that independent campaign expenditures have
played and are playing in the 2012 presidential election: the multimillion-dollar
spending by gambling mogul Sheldon Andelson in support of Newt Gingrich and by
Wyoming financier Foster Friess in support of Rick Santorum. Those
expenditures, however, appear to have been made individually, not through
corporations; and independent, individual spending on political campaigns has
been constitutionally protected since the court’s first brush with modern
campaign finance law in Buckley v. Valeo (1976).
contrast, corporations so far have not rushed into the opening that
Citizens United gave them for unlimited political spending
without the burden of creating separate political action committees (PACs). The
free-campaign speech crowd is applauding Citizens United as
a vindication of the First Amendment even as critics are condemning it for
tilting the political playing field further toward business interests. Both
sides may be exaggerating its impact, just as Toobin is in blaming Roberts personally for
the decision.
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